Thursday, August 26, 2010



The local market was quiet yesterday with BSP shares registering trades at K0.64, while others finished unchanged. In overseas, most of the markets closed generally higher after a late rally last night.

The bourse today has bids for BSP as high as K0.64 and LGL buyers are lined up at K9.10. Our Kina versus the aussie dollar this morning is buying 0.4266 and selling at 0.3821.


CUE: Cue Energy reported yesterday on its Financial year ending 30th June highlighting production income up 80% to A$54.7 million and its gross profit up 98% to A$43.6 million. It also reduced its debt to US$12 million.

LGL: Further to the announcement on 23 August 2010, LGL advises the New Newcrest Shares will
commence trading on ASX and POMSoX on a normal settlement basis on Wednesday,
22 September 2010.

Nil Movers on the market yesterday 25/08/10.